Delivering the world’s most advanced decontamination solution for firefighter PPE.

Only Liquid CO2+ comprehensively eliminates carcinogens from PPE and prolongs its lifespan in a single cycle.


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The danger that lurks within your PPE

NFPA studies show that washing with water and industrial detergents alone will remove only 15%-40% of the toxic carcinogens from the PPE.

Firefighting PPE is highly technical, typically consisting of three layers: the outer shell, the moisture membrane barrier, and the thermal liner.

Traditional laundry providers will hot wash with water and detergents. Although washing with water will surface clean the PPE, it will not be able to penetrate the moisture membrane barrier.

Typical industrial laundries are not aware of the complex types and levels of contamination that exist in firefighting PPE and make no claims to remove specific carcinogens in a measurable manner. What cannot be measured cannot be managed, and as such a more professional solution is required to facilitate the reduction of risks in respect of long-term latency disease for firefighters.

It is vitally important to get the correct care and maintenance through specialist decontamination processes to ensure firefighters are kept safe and maximise the lifespan of the garment.

This is why Hunter has created multiple specialist care and maintenance facilities to provide these highly sophisticated services.

LCO2+ vs Water

Washing fire PPE with water and industrial detergents is not enough, you can not thoroughly decontaminate fire PPE in this way.

How LCO2+ decontamination works
In traditional cleaning methods, water with industrial detergents only provides a modest cleaning effect on fire PPE. Our LCO2+ decontamination method combined with environmentally friendly additives penetrates past the outer layer of fire PPE to remove carcinogens of all kinds, including dangerous NFPA-specified substances.

LCO2+ decontamination achieves more than 99% removal of carcinogens from your fire PPE.

NFPA research cited only a 15-40% toxin removal with water-based washing.

Faster Turnaround

SAVE on PPE Pool Stock

LCO2+ decontamination without the need for water-based washing means that the PPE can be turned around much faster than with traditional laundry systems, therefore you do not require so much pool stock. Real tangible savings will be available to your fire service.

Longer Lifecycle

SAVE on Fire PPE

Hot water-based washing damages PPE meaning it needs to be replaced more often. Even after one wash, shrinkage and colour loss is visible. Thereafter, further washing degrades the outer fabrics, prematurely aging your PPE, reducing its lifespan and its protective properties.

LCO2+ extends the lifespan of Firefighters’ PPE.

"It's a sad irony that the PPE that has been developed to keep firefighters safe from acute injury on the fire ground is a major source of chronic long latency disease."

Chris Colgan
Former UK National PPE Lead
Former Inaugural Chair of National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) PPE Committee

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LCO2+ Process Proven Effective


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    To Better protect your firefighters and to find out more information on the LCO2+ Decontamination contact us on the details below.

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